I'm Katia, a beautician for 24 years and owner of a salon.
Thanks to my work I have accumulated considerable experience in the cosmetic field, closely studying the main problems that our skin can encounter and the most effective methodologies to solve them.
Over the years, in search of the best to offer my clients, I have experimented with numerous products and cosmetic lines. This is where my desire was born to concentrate in a single line all the characteristics and properties that, according to my vision, the ideal products must possess. to take care of us.
This is how Kosmetic was born, whose objective is to preserve the natural health of the skin, which was born as an extraordinary and perfect organ, but which, due to lifestyle and exogenous factors, undergoes various types of alterations.
Our mission is to help people maintain the natural beauty of their skin, providing high quality products and targeted solutions for the care of many skin types and the main problems it may encounter.